3 days ago, we went to Genting for a day trip with Pekanmin. Initially we wanted to go Cameron but Taukeh Gan (now called Airplane Gan) backed out in the last minute and with 3 of us, Genting seemed to be an easier tour. Was it pure bad luck that despite the long week of heat wave, we were unexpectedly ‘blessed’ with rain in the morning that I wished I was in bed?
It was shivering cold, at least to me, when we reached Genting. Hence when there’s a bunting that says ‘All You Can Eat Steamboat’ you can imagine how welcoming that was to me. As eateries in Genting have the notoriety of serving crappy food, we didn’t expect much but just some fishballs, meatballs and average meat to warm our stomachs.
While waiting for the soup to boil, I started out with the egg fried rice which was oily but acceptable. When I tried to take meat from the buffet line, I noticed some weird smell coming from the curry marinated chicken and told the waitress. He brushed us aside claiming that it was the smell from the spices they used. I decided to skip the chicken and went for the beef and other items.

The soup finally boiled and that’s when our nightmare began. EVERYTHING we ate from the fishballs, crabsticks, meat and even the mushrooms have a distinctive sour taste, like something that’s been kept in a malfunction fridge or just a few hours away to be branded ‘decay’. The prawn meat were sticking to the shelves when we removed them, a sign that the prawn were not fresh.
The leafy vegetables have lots of holes being eaten by worms. I tried to comfort myself that the vegetables were probably healthier because more worms meant less pesticide until I saw…. Tiny slugs still clinging to the leaves. There’s no way I’m going to eat the worm and slug infested vegetables!

After a few rounds of bite and throw, bite and throw, the soup taste muddy from the prawns and stale sour from other ingredients that I wondered whether we had accidentally walked into Fear Factor TV show. The food were so unbearable that we called a waitress and ask (not reprimanding) that the food were a ‘little’ not fresh and she said she’ll bring her manager to talk to us. Despite being in our plain sight, the manager simply refused to come over, scolded the waitress and walk past without looking at us!! The waitress then explained to us (I’m sure the manager instigated her to say this as he’s too coward to face us) the food were prepared daily and are certainly fresh. I picked up a beancurb from the pot and asked her to smell it. Guess what, she can’t even hide her OMG-I-feel-like-wanna-puke face.

The waitress was sort of pitiful so we let it go and left the restaurant feeling disgusted and hungry. You can guess that no good ending can come from that because CS, being the one who eat the most, ended up with diarrhea while Pekanmin and I had some stomach discomfort. On our way going downhill, CS wound down his window and commented the fresh air made him feel better until we were hit with stinks from the sewer processing station by the road side. Pekanmin then said, “We had just tasted shit at the restaurant, what can be worse!?” Yes, that’s the most appropriate, hit on the nail word to describe the steamboat. S-H-I-T!!
There’s only one such all you can eat stemaboat in First World Plaza and it’s very near to Marrybrown. Avoid this place at all cost unless you’re training for Fear Factor.
Sour Fishballs? Could it be too much of Boric Acid?
Definitely not. It's the stale kind of sour.