This is the first time I ever arrived at Chatuchak market early in the morning and I must say, it’s all worth it. There were less crowd and for the first hour we were there, we had, what we considered as, leisurely walk. Everything was good, except for the grey cloud looming over our heads.
At on time, we seriously considered to eat Paella but gave up due to the queue.
By the time when the crowd grew bigger, we retreated to a food stall to enjoy lunch and coconut ice cream.
Then, the thing that we dreaded for happened – it rained so hard that we got trapped in food stall but we were lucky to be wearing slippers on that day. By the time the rain stopped, I wasn’t in the mood for shopping because my caffeine addiction kicked in again.
Siam Paragon’s food floor looked promising as a latte hunting ground. I was counting on Coffee Bean by Dao but surprisingly, it appeared to me more like a cake shop than a coffee specialty. Turned our back and found Costa Coffee.
With the caffeine-deprived groggy mood over, we finally had time to explore Siam Paragon which we had not done in our previous visits.
I have the habit of visiting local super/hyper markets whenever I am in overseas due to my work in food retail sector. This time, is no exception and I fall in love with Gourmet Market in Siam Paragon. It’s spacious, has enormous range of imported food, great display of poultry and seafood section and cooked-to-order counters that looked like some four star dining experience.
Best of all, we found our long lost love – Mt Rainier Latte.

As a pair of well-trained eatophile, we were already planning for our supper long before we had our dinner. We bought Thai pork sausages for supper and 6 bottles of the lattes. I even searched online for “ways to check in packet drinks at airport” because I was thinking to buy the lattes in cartons and bring them back to Malaysia. CS managed to dissuade me from this crazy idea.

Dinner at Inter Restaurant in Siam, not far from Som Tam Nua.